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How to Express Happiness In Japanese

How to Express Happiness In Japanese

There are moments in life when you feel happy or grateful or lucky, and you want to share it with others by telling them, texting them, or putting it in words as a caption for your social media posts. It’s easy to do all these in your native language or other languages you are an expert in.

But what if you want to express such feelings to your Japanese friends because you are studying or working in Japan? How do you express your happiness in the Japanese language? How do you say “I’m so happy” in Japanese?

Fret not, because, in this article, we will share the different words and phrases to express how lucky or grateful or happy you are in Japanese.

Let’s begin with the words, shall we?

  • Happiness in Japanese – Kōfuku (幸福)
  • Happy in Japanese – Shiawase (幸せ)
  • Joy in Japanese – Yorokobi (喜び)
  • Grateful in Japanese – Arigatai (ありがたい)
  • Peace in Japanese – Heiwa (平和)
  • Peaceful in Japanese – Heiwa-teki (平和的)
  • Lucky in Japanese – Kōun’na (幸運な)
  • Pleased in Japanese – Yorokonde (喜んで)
  • Glad in Japanese – Ureshī (嬉しい)
  • Thankful in Japanese – Kansha shite iru (感謝している)

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Different Phrases To Express Happiness And Gratitude In Japanese

The table below contains the different ways to say how happy or thankful you are in Japanese.

I am very happy. Watashi wa totemo shiawasedesu. 私はとても幸せです。
I am so happy to be here today. Kyō koko ni i rarete totemo shiawasedesu. きょう ここに いられて とても しあわせ です。
I am grateful to my parents. Ryōshin ni wa kansha shitemasu. 両親 には 感謝 してます。
Today is a good day. Kyō wa ī hidesu. 今日はいい日です。
I feel blessed. Megumarete iru to kanjimasu. 恵まれていると感じます。
Thank you for everything. Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita. どうもありがとうございました。
I am so happy to see you. Anata ni aete taihen shiawasedesu. あなたに会えて大変幸せです。
Thank you for always helping me when I need you most. Watashi ga anata o mottomo hitsuyō to shite iru toki ni itsumo tasukete kurete arigatō. 私があなたを最も必要としているときにいつも助けてくれてありがとう。
I’m so excited! Watashi wa totemo kōfun shite imasu! 私はとても興奮しています!
it’s an honor to meet you. O ai dekite kōeidesu. お会いできて光栄です。
I am glad that I have a friend like you. Anata no yōna tomodachi ga dekite ureshīdesu. あなたのような友達ができてうれしいです。
It’s a rare thing to find someone as generous and kind as you. Thank you. Anata no yō ni kandaide shinsetsuna hito o mitsukeru koto wa mettani arimasen. Arigatō. あなたのように寛大で親切な人を見つけることはめったにありません。ありがとう。
I can hardly contain my happiness. Watashi wa jibun no shiawase o hotondo fūjikomeru koto ga dekimasen. 私は自分の幸せをほとんど封じ込めることができません。
I am filled with joy. Watashi wa yorokobi ni michite imasu. 私は喜びに満ちています。
I am overjoyed. Watashi wa ōyorokobidesu. 私は大喜びです。
I am at peace with myself. Watashi wa jibun jishin to heiwadesu. 私は自分自身と平和です。
I love my life. Watashinojinsei ga suki. 私の人生が好き。
Happiness is being with you. Shiawase wa anata to issho ni imasu. 幸せはあなたと一緒にいます。
I feel warm, cozy and content. Atatakaku, igokochi ga yoku, manzoku shite imasu. 暖かく、居心地が良く、満足しています。
I feel good today. Kyō wa kibun ga īdesu. 今日は気分がいいです。
I am grateful that there are many wonderful people around me. Mawari ni takusan no subarashī hito ga iru koto ni kansha shite imasu. 周りにたくさんの素晴らしい人がいることに感謝しています。
Thank you for always going above and beyond for me. Itsumo watashi no tame ni ue o koete itte kurete arigatō. いつも私のために上を超えて行ってくれてありがとう。
I appreciate your hard work. Ganbatte kurete arigatō. 頑張ってくれてありがとう.
Your kind words made my day. Anata no yasashī kotoba ga watashi no tsuitachi o tsukurimashita. あなたの優しい言葉が私の一日を作りました。
I’m glad that things are going well. Junchō ni susunde iru koto o ureshiku omoimasu. 順調に進んでいることをうれしく思います。

Also read: Different Ways To Say Get Well Soon In Japanese

We hope this article helps you in expressing your happiness and gratitude to your loved ones in Japanese.

We will leave you here with our best wishes.

Until next time, sayonara for now!

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